The Bear (FX Series)
The Bear is a dramedy series created by Christopher Storer. The first season of the FX show that streams on Hulu arrived in June 2022. Season 2 arrived a year later in June 2023. The first season swept at the delayed Emmy Awards for shows in the 2022-2023 window with three of its main actors — Jeremy Allen White, Ayo Edebiri and Ebon Moss-Bachrach winning trophies for Best Actor, Actress and Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series.
The show opened with Carmen “Carmy” Berzatto, who returned to his hometown of Chicago after trying his hand in the upper-scale culinary world to operate The Beef, a sandwich joint left to him by his older brother Michael. Ayo Edebiri’s Sydney Adamu approaches Carmy for a job at The Beef, and together they whip the shop into shape.
Season 2 watched Carmy and Sydney rebrand The Beef into The Bear, with a glimpse into the Berzatto family dynamic in the Fishes episode, which ran an hour versus the half-hour time frame of the show’s comedy format. Jamie Lee Curtis portrayed Donna Berzatto, mother to the three children, Mikey (Jon Bernthal), Natalie (Abby Elliott) and Carmy. Jon Mulaney, Adam, Bob Odenkirk and Sarah Paulson also portrayed Berzatto family members. Several other high-profile actors made cameos in Season 2 as well, including Will Poulter as Chef Luca in “Honeydew” (directed by Ramy Youssef), which expands Marcus’ plotline as an up-and-coming baker and Olivia Colman as Chef Terry, who runs Ever, a fine dining destination where Carmy sends cousin Richie (Ebon Moss-Bachrach) to train for the episode titled “Forks.”
Season 3 continues the evolution of The Bear restaurant as Carmy levels up the intensity and his staff tries to match him. The show was quietly renewed for a fourth season, which filmed back to back with Season 3.
- Cast Members
Jeremy Allen White, Ayo Edebiri, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Liza Colón-Zayas, Lionel Boyce, Abby Elliott, Matty Matheson, Edwin Lee Gibson, Corey Hendrix, Oliver Platt, Richard Esteras, Chris Witaske, Molly Gordon
- Notable Awards
10 Primetime Emmys: Outstanding Comedy Series, Jeremy Allen White, Ayo Edebiri, Christopher Storer (x2), Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Outstanding Casting for a Comedy Series, Sound Mixing (x2) and Editing; 5 Cricits Choice Awards — Ayo Edebiri, Jeremy Allen White (x2), Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Best Comedy Series; 3 American Cinema Editors, USA Awards for Editing
- Country of Origin
United States
- Number of Seasons
- Network
FX (Streaming on Hulu)